Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission blev etableret af FEI udefra holdningen om, at alle, der beskæftiger sig med heste, skal være bevidste om det ansvar, de har for hestens velfærd, samt den indvirkning, som rideaktiviteter og heste har på miljøet.

Formålet med kommissionens arbejde er at tage fat på spørgsmål af offentlig og ridemæssig interesse. Det skal sikre, at hestens velfærd er i højsædet, og at der er en løbende social accept af hestes involvering i sport.

Kommissionen vil udvikle en evidensbaseret “ramme” til at vejlede FEI-regler, -politikker og -praksis. På den måde arbejdes der på at muliggøre effektiv fortalervirksomhed og indflydelse i forbindelse med etik og velvære for heste, der bruges i sport.

What is the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission?

Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission was established by the FEI. It is based on the belief that all who are involved with horses should be aware of the responsibility they have for horse welfare. As well as the impact that equestrian activities and horses have on the environment.

The FEI believes that all who are involved with horses should be aware of the responsibility they have for horse welfare. As well as the impact that equestrian activities and horses have on the environment.

In June 2022, in response to growing public concern over global challenges such as climate change, resource use and animal welfare, the FEI instigated a new independent ‘Social Licence’ Commission. The purpose is to address societal concerns related to the use of horses in sport.

Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission

At the inaugural meeting, members decided that the name, Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission, better reflects the aims and mission of the group’s work.

As FEI President Ingmar De Vos said, “Equestrian sport and the FEI’s activities are more than ever under public scrutiny and through the Commission we want to embrace that scrutiny to drive change and shine the spotlight on our number one stakeholder – the horse.

“There are comprehensive systems and mechanisms in place to protect the welfare of the horse, but there is more that can be done, and more that must be done. And in an ever-changing society, where perceptions shift and norms evolve at an increasingly fast pace, the FEI must address these concerns and criticisms from society and within equestrian circles in a clear and transparent manner.”

“This is our duty as the governing body, and this is why we have set up this important and independent Commission to allow us to move forward with a course of action that will strengthen equestrian’s place in society.”

Kilde: Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission.

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  6.  » FEI-initiativ: Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission